Getting Started
On any journey of exploration it is important to first know the intended destination.
Secondly, be determined to walk the path that leads to that destination.
Thirdly, to pack only those things that are necessary for a successful journey.
This section includes narrative videos to accomplish these three objectives so that as we proceed on our journey we are fully committed and prepared.
Our intended destination is infinite and eternal truth. Absolute truth that is the core of all of existence, not biased or interpreted.
Not everyone is willing to begin and travel the path to this truth because most have built a comfort zone, a box of beliefs that satisfies the human ego. There is a fear by ego to know and grow into absolute infinite and eternal truth.
Lastly, we carry unnecessary and burdening baggage that must be assessed and left behind. We must know humanity’s and especially our own strengths and weakness to prepare ourselves for the challenges of the journey.
This is why I offer and encourage each of you
to view the material within the “Getting Started” webpages first, in the order presented.
Children of One Father
Description: Seeking the Creator God is seeking the one and only God. Belief in one God in monotheism. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions practiced by 54% of the worlds population. Origins tracing back over 4 millennia to Abraham (Abram) and his sons Isaac and Ishmael. All three religions worship the same creator God and acknowledge the same attributes of God. Updated 23-1201
Science in Relationship to God
Description: What is Science, when did it begin, what are its methods and terminology and limitations. Why Science is dependent on the consistency and repeatability of universe laws and processes. Science doesn’t create knowledge, it discovers knowledge embedded in the universe. Why Science cannot prove or disprove God. Updated 23-1129.
Principle of Causality
Description: A look at Causation in developing a logical truth. Everything that has a beginning had a cause that pre-existed that beginning, The effect cannot create itself, The effect must resemble its cause. The reason we can see the character of our Creator in our universe and in ourselves. Updated 23-1201
God and Creation - Venn Diagram
Description: A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among things or finite groups of things. Circles that overlap have a commonality while circles that do not overlap do not share those traits. Venn diagrams help to visually represent the similarities and differences between two concepts. This is the Epiphany to initiated this website and the author’s Spiritual Journey with the Creator that was already within him.
Truth, Belief and Knowledge; and what is known, knowable and unknowable
Description: Starting with a question about whether the universe exists or not, a look at truth, belief, knowledge and comprehension. A look at the five types of truth and their context and reality. And why truth is in the eye of the beholder. A look at humanities sensory and dimensional limitations to access all existing knowledge. NEW 23-1201
One God One Sandbox
Description: The argument that there is only one God, who is uncaused, infinite, eternal and incorporeal. God's sandbox in boundlessness and timelessness. The implications and issues with an infinite series of gods creating other gods. Humanity is our own best example of the issue of multiple gods in the sandbox. Updated 23-1202
Infinite, Eternal and Perfect Love
Description: A look at the God of Relationship and Love and the reasons we exist.
Seeking the Creator God Part 1
Description: The Creator God to the Abrahamic monotheistic Religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Attributes of of God, How the infinite and eternal Creator God makes a place for us.
God’s Presence Among Us
Description: Because our universe exists within our eternal and infinite God, our existence is essentially in God's "womb." This concept is described with a Venn Diagram. Since the universe is of God, it had a purpose, a home for sentient lifeforms in relationship with God. God chose us. God had continual access to us across the entire expanse of universe time and space, is always with us.
Human Consciousness, Reason and Application in and Beyond the Universe
Thoughts on the application of Human Reason within our universe capsule and outside our capsule.
Why I Can Wonder
Description: Humans are the only creatures that are conscious of and can comprehend what is in the night sky; or the workings of this ecosystem we call the universe and our home, Earth. Why Mind? Why Consciousness? Why Comprehension? Why Mind, when the universe does not require it, nor is able of creating it? This topic will explore these questions and more.
The Universe and Beyond
Looking at the Universe from a different point of view. A place outside of God's infinite and eternal being. The God' created constructs of time, space, energy, matter and physical laws. Where Humanities senses can not perceive anything outside the Universe.
Human Reason
A look at Human Reason as defined in Science and Philosophy. How it is applied to speculate about what exists outside our universe. Understanding Priori Knowledge.