Spiritual Journey

Argument for Pursuing a Spiritual Journey

Contrary to current beliefs, “Christian” is not a noun, a name or title. Neither is “believer.” Christian and Believer are verbs. They are a way of life, a relationship, a discipleship with Jesus, the Christ. A person must grow beyond just the admission of belief, using the gift of grace from God, to be transformed into active discipleship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ.

“Christian” is to be manifested in an active Faith that, with out being asked, serves creation and all humanity in joyous acts of love, kindness and justice; empathy, respect, nurturing and caring; and service to all those in any need.

A true Christian cannot and will not sit in worship and commune, refreshed by grace and love in the presence of Jesus Christ and not actively share that grace and love to everyone they encounter for the next week.

Anyone can say they are Christian. You know a true Christian by their Faith actions and Love.

Whoever you are, and wherever you are in your Spiritual Journey, you are welcome at this website.


Belief and Faith

Description: What is the difference between belief and faith? Here is a quick answer to help understand the difference: Belief is based on information, while faith is based on application.


God in a Box

Description: A look at how humanity often tries to define and restrict God


Worship Based Prayer

Description: Some insights on how Jesus taught us to pray.
